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The Guide to the best Ring-less Binders

The idea of a Ring-less binder is an expression of desire by people craving a binder without the pain of the rings. The actual product PER SE did not exist for the last 133 years since the Rings were invented. The expression is mainly used by young people still hoping to find an alternative to a ring binder and is sometimes used by marketers who are aware of that.

And there are attempts to right the wrong in the ring binder:

  1. It did not escape the attention of designers at the five Star ACCO Brands creating Flex Binder. It acts like a notebook and binder. The plastic cover folds back over the rings to lie flat like a notebook.    Substitute designers used Ties made from steel wire covered with plastic as rings. 1 1/2″ rings hold up to 300 sheets.Yes, You may call it Ring-less, but the metal wire seems like an overkill, not fulfilling the promise of a flat binder. By addressing the fixed dimension problem of a ring binder, the product is sought after among students in the US

    From our point of view, being assembled with steel wire and other heavy components, it is overkill to use pounds of steel to bind ounces of paper. Still quite cumbersome to handle, almost like it’s an older brother ring binder.

     The second iteration of the Ring-less Binder is available in the EU. Not universally known among users and sold under different names:

    Strip-Binder or “Loop File”

  2. I think the lack of one easily recognizable name leads to struggle in the market. Four major companies in the EU produce it. You may bind up to 30-50 pages max, and it is flat and quite handy, but the plastic prongs tend to bend uncontrollably when used extensively, rendering the whole thing useless.
    From our experience point of view, this is quite a handy gadget but feels too vulnerable to the touch of the user’s hands. As users report, it doesn’t last very long.

3. Sold in the EU. Q-Connect Transfer File 35mm Capacity Foolscap Buff or “Transfer Spring File.”

  • Spring binder for secure storage and reorganization of documents
  • Spring clip mechanism: insert and remove papers quickly anywhere
  • The compressor bar keeps records neat
  • Easy access to files for quick reorganization
  • It fits A4 and foolscap documents
  • Capacity: 35mm. (1.37″)

    With about 240 pages max capacity, it serves the user better than the “Loop file.”

  • Then there are the springs and the metal mechanism that make it flat impossible.

    ACCO Presstex Hanging Data Binder, 12″ x 8.5″, 6″ thick

    The 6″ (15.5cm) (to carry 11 pounds / 5kg) of paper is Impressive but complicated. Online reviews indicate that not every user can follow assembly directions.

    Then we have the mavericks.

  • Fastykula

    “FASTYKULA “The impossible to pronounce name describes the binder used in archives in Poland.

    It binds several pages perfectly flat thanks to an uncomplicated combination of Covers and ribbons. We like its lack of pretenses—simple and effective solution.

The last on our list today is the “Ringless Binder.”

Made from a tear-resistant flexible sheet of paper, it no doubt fits the ringless description delivering the same utility as a ring binder with ties instead of rings. The big spine covering the rings is gone, and the empty or full binder is always flat without the added pleasure of dealing with the spine always present in ring binders.

There is one more big difference between Ringless Binder and the rest,

ringless binder with two spines
ringless binder with two spines

Ringless binders may have more than one spine.

Thanks to the flat unobtrusive profile of the binding ties, It increases the number of bound documents and allows multiple spines to divide papers into separate sections. Quite a wonder in the office world. It comes in several versions.

1) Binder

2) Multibinder  Two Spines 350 pages

3) Universal Binder  Two Spines 350 pages. It has additional ties allowing to use it for two hole Prong folder punched paper

4) Spineless Binder  800 pages plus

Mutlibinder Filled with documents
Mutlibinder Filled with documents.

We think this unknown “Ringless Binder,” “bind book,” “multi-binder,” or whatever name its designer applies the easiest to use of all the listed above.
* It delivers the Binder – notebook combination most users are searching for. (No sticking out rings)
* Delivers the additional new benefit of a second spine allowing the user to divide the paperwork.
* Its one-size Spineless Version replaces the whole gamut of different thicknesses of ring binders. Being able to bind continuously any amount of pages from 1-800 (No need to estimate what thickness of ring binder I should use)
* Since it eliminates all metal parts and 80% of the weight of materials used for comparable ring binders is ECO-Friendly.
How to find it? You may Google Ringless Binder. Among the results, you will find some links.
Sold on Etsy and

Most manufacturers dress ring binders in Kraft paper Finish and claim it ECO-Friendly. Eliminating the poisonous vinyl, Polyvinyl chloride (PVC or vinyl) from covers is a step in the right direction, but what about the Metal parts? Here we have a product delivering full functionality using only 20% of materials used by competing solutions and eliminating steel/metal parts with a high carbon footprint.



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