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I am missing.. The insects. Are we Next?

The bee

Do you remember the time not so long ago when you seriously considered installing a “bug shield” on your car since every drive ended with a windshield smeared with insects you met on the highway? Right now, the sky is clear, and even on the most extended trip, multiple hours spent on the road do not produce the same result. The long-time effort of Monsanto to pollute our environment has final effects. I am missing the bugs, Their night swirl around my headlights, The heart-stopping sound when the big one meets the windshield. Oh, I wish I drove slower. Now they are gone. Hardly anything is swimming in the air along my long trip on the highway. Even the mosquitos are missing from the morning scroll among the trees of a nearby forest preserve. What next? Who is next? As the remainder, I created a Bee as a paper pop-up in honor of our gone but not recognized insects/friends. What should I do next? Long lost, from my view, a Grasshopper? Pop-up paper monument? In a Coffin? Are we next?

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Paper Bee Pop-up mania

bee popup card

Have you noticed people’s unusual fascination with pop-ups? Grown men and women long past their teenage years are attracted to small paper buildups opening another world up the front of their eyes.
I think their attraction to such toys shows that everybody caresses a playful Child inside regardless of age. Our normally shown outside is Knight’s armor to defend ourselves from intolerant people without imagination and low self-esteem. This playfulness makes unbearable days easier and brings unquestionable benefits because people with smiles live longer, healthier, and happier lives. So Do not limit your happiness regardless of how silly the reason may appear to others.

Because of the health benefits a smile brings shouldn’t I consider myself a Healthcare provider? And charge people accordingly. I mean out of the blue and sky-high. If U.S. Congress a few years ago recognized pizza as a vegetable… in our country anything is possible.