You may think I am talking about a ghost since no product is available to fit this description. But you may be wrong.
There is one using ties instead of rings.
Recently I read an article hailing the advantages of 2 rings binders over three rings binders. According to the author, with two rings is easier to flip through the pages. The author also extensively discusses the benefits of the ” light-touch lever-arch mechanism with an easy-grip rubber handle.” There is also “A unique ball-and-socket ring closure” and “locking bar mechanism” The description is long and complicated enough to fall asleep before you finish the sentence.
You may skip all this boredom and go straight to the no doubt more sexy “NO RING BINDER.“
It is SIMPLE. Cover with a couple of ties cut into it.
IT IS EASY TO FLIP THROUGH THE PAGES like a notebook since it has no sticking-out rings.
As an additional benefit, I should mention that the basic version of the NO RING or RINGLESS Binder comes with two sets of ties, each assigned to the left edge of the respective cover. It is possible because the FLAT ties don’t stick out of the cover plane, even one millimeter/fraction of an inch. So, You may divide your paperwork. For example, Your calendar/organizer on the left and your notes on the right.

It is a unique solution, Notebook, and Binder in ONE.
If you are in doubt, check the video below.
The Binder shown in this video is a “Single Spine” (single set of ties) capable of handling up to 150 pages.
Two spines (two sets of ties) Binder’s main purpose is to handle up to 350 pages of your paperwork. And then there is the
Spineless version, capable of handling from 1-800 pages. One sizes takes all without the ring binder headache forcing you to choose one of the several sizes (1/2″,1″,1.5″, etc.)
Try One.
With no rings, there is no Spine.