pop up flower

Best pop up greeting cards you can buy.

Best popup greeting cards you can buy

Are you looking for the best card to send to your mama? Below is a shortlist of the best popup card designers & manufacturers. The list is short and far from over. Too many companies dabbling in 3d cards to list them all, but very few offer better quality products. Higher quality means a better emotional response from your recipients, which counts. 


Here is the very first company whose designs years ago caught our hearts. Graphics3inc.com, Jupiter, Florida With rubber band-powered popup cards

  1.  When it comes to graphics and the overall quality of available popup cards is hard to beat the old company from Jupiter, Florida, for the last 40 years producing popups. Their main customers are businesses, and they use a mailing list to reach them. That’s why you will not find it in stores, but their website is up. Selection is not extensive, but Quality is First Class.  They refresh their design, changing the images applied to already proofed pop-up constructions.

santoro card

There is little question about who is the next contender, SANTORO LONDON Santoro-london.com UK popup cards. 

Looking at their impressive selection of greeting cards it is hard to be disappointed. 

We recommend their fresh and colorful collection of Santoro “Swing cards.”

Their more complicated buildups are more like toys, not cards. 

But who cares? Let’s see and let our hearts go wild in London’s dark, dusty corners.

Here is the link to my post about their mighty popups


In the third place?..       Or maybe 2-nd, we would like to recommend: meandmcq.com

#3 Paper D’Art meandmcq.com popup cards from the UK.

No doubt, Paper D’Art deserves a high ranking regarding high-level quality illustrations. The reason we mention them in the 3rd place is the fact that we spotted a card that was not entirely original. The effort to develop the original card takes, in our experience, a few days and sometimes longer, mainly when such a detailed illustration is used. The extra effort pays off. So no wonder they use one not entirely their design to enlarge their offer. The WOW factor is high when you see their creations.

#4 Up with Paper  US popup cards

 When I saw their designs for the first time (years ago), I was impressed with their offer. What put me away was the desire of the CEO to be an author of some children’s books. I think such a task is performed better by people with more skills and fewer ambitions; Up with Paper has quite a variety of simple designs. They experienced ups and downs with the quality of their cards in the past. Now it is very nice. 
The problem I have (same with most brands featured here) is that they stick to one popup mechanism and repeat it in various designs. In the long term, some innovation is desirable to keep your offering fresh.   Our First impression is here.

#5 SECOND NATURE  UK popup cards

Their Paper Creation is a perfect EXPLOSIVE!!! Surprise. They automatically spring to life from their envelope! Powered by a rubber band, don’t hesitate to jump to action and surprise the recipient. What do I regret? It is not to see more variety, and their popup box (the lower part of their designs) offers so much space to play with. Guys. Do you need help? I want to be your muse.
Finding the next worth mentioning in the vast landscape of popup cards is not easy.            
There are too many lookalikes. I can show you 100 designs from 100 different sellers claiming to be very original yet peddling the same.         
You cannot distinguish one from the other, even if your life depends on it. At first sight, you will find them entertaining, but after a while, they become BORING.

The bee
Paper bee popup card. Indeed, SmartPaperCuts.com Is NOT dull.  

Certainly, SmartPaperCuts.com Is NOT dull. US-based.

Have you seen ROUND, not SQUARE, popup cards?                              Unique, Hand made in Chicago.      

Their designer desire is not to be boring and do something different, defying any established popup card norms. They first started with a collection of Flowers designed around the Flowers since they are perfect for carrying any love, sympathy, or friendship message. It is much more challenging to do a good job and make it attractive without the usual noise of unnecessary colors or shape embellishments. They started a collection of “Ambassadors,” Whimsical Characters perfect to deliver your message. So helpful to be employed instead of the overused sentimental subjects. When I recently asked about enlarging their collection, I learned about their quite impressive line of Eco-friendly Ringless Office/ school binders, notebooks, and organizers designed to function without a bit of metal or plastic usually involved. They are refreshing and adding several new pop-up designs.

We will update the list with any truly unique Cards, but for now, let’s list a couple of manufacturers present on the market by the sheer power of their resources, not originality.

Chinese design sold as “Japanese Maple 3D card” by love popups.

 Lovepopcards.com popup cards  
Because their designs are generic and virtually indistinguishable from popup cards offered by many other sellers, they do not belong to our list of Best popup cards you can buy.
Most of us know the story of two young people lucky enough to get plenty of financing, hosted on the Shark Tank TV show. They now employ people outside the Naval architecture field with designs based on the Chinese – Vietnam variety. Cards are more polished and much nicer than their initial offering. I was pleasantly surprised when I opened their page today, remembering rather drab designs from the past.
But for example, their “Japanese Maple 3D card” is not original and is an unimpressive clone you could see everywhere on virtually any other seller site. The cover remains unchanged, and the tree itself too. No update. I am biased looking at the people claiming that they are “original” when they are NOT.

Next is the Hallmark 3D card

Hallmark 3D card
Hallmark 3D card

Hallmark.com popup cards

The behemoths of the Greeting cards industry joined the pack late, offering their simplified version of 3D wonders. The atmosphere reminds me of the 50-ties: Perry Como, Dean Martin, and Brenda Lee’s music.
Over-sweetened and simplified. Late Sunday afternoon when the city is dead and surviving under summer’s relentless heat.
Voice of the past.
But since we are now in the 21st century, let us see the future.
Or maybe Not in the future.

Another voice of the past is American Greetings popup cards.

American Greetings 3D cards. An over-simplified clone of the already simple offering of the Up with Paper. 

CARD” Is an exercise in pure lack of imagination. High school designers were trying to escape boredom. There is just essential visual execution without a bit of an original subject. The other designs are nicely put together visually, but their cards seem to have grown in the same garden, with the influence of Chinese and Asian techniques. The familiar story of BIG boys. Plenty of marketing power, thin with originality.

For example, I am sorry for their “YAY YOU POP-UP CONGRATULATIONS,” but it is BORING.

FreshCut Paper Dear Dahlia comes with its very own festive pink vase that allows it to sit on any flat surface. Our paper flower bouquets never wilt, never fade and never lose thier color. More than a greeting card, it's a keepsake for years to come for any recipient. If you think I missed a company, there is One. Lovely quality designs, but after a while, they became pretty dull in our eyes with constant repetition of the same artistic Hand since there is no inventiveness and no Fresh approach despite their web page claiming Fresh Cut Paper
The flowers’ images are flat, not 3D, packed together in a tight package, extending the bottom forward so the bouquet can stand on its own. Since the footprint is very narrow and the Flowers are giant, any movement nearby can knock them out of their standing position and create minor havoc. Not very practical. Straight replacement for natural Flowers without an idea why they are made. Such a big thing, sooner or later, is stored elsewhere, out of sight. The first impression of the big-sized thing, no doubt, is great, but…..
Here is the link to my first impression post: I am trying to level them to the ground screaming: DIE, you are not up to my artistic vision. Good luck.

I almost forget about popups for people loving to complain and Self-Harm. I found their website under the impressive title Effects of marihuana use on ZEBRA popup cards” seriously. This is a title I found on their blog – cutpopup.com.
Before you entertain yourself with their cards, please be aware that they do what other Chinese businesses do on Amazon. They charge for returns, so you pay more for returns than the original purchasing price. So whatever they send to you, you must be satisfied, and if you return, they still make money on your return. But of course, if the return address is not in China.

Check for details. If you still purchase one of their generic cards after learning about the details of their operation, you truly deserve a medal. Plus, you have the same or better card you can buy elsewhere.

[popup card] - ColibriGiftcolibrigift.com Ukrainian popup cards. Popup addiction spreads around the 🇺🇦 Ukraine Flag - Royalty-Free GIF - Animated Sticker - Free PNG -  Animated Iconworld.
The box-like design is in its original style. First, I saw it on ETSY, and now the same UKRAINIAN designer has a nice shop online. Their quality is top-notch. And they are made in KYIV. Currently, as of 7/31/22 still under Russian army shelling.
Their stunning intricacy makes up for the lack of colors. Plus, this design can be permanently displayed as candy for your eyes.
More to come…
Many things changed since I posted this quick guide.
There are new contenders. Copycats and obituaries.
Seeing one of them: “Fresh Paper Cuts.” I wonder how it is possible that the exact words we used in the description of our paper flowers in a video posted on Facebook years ago ended up as the name of a company focusing on pop-up Paper flowers. Like us.
And they claim they know nothing about our existence? !!! The blatant copying and lack of originality is sad. But they have already another copycat on their heels , selling identical merchandise and undercutting their prices.
I think this shows current sad looking landscape of the US where blatant copying of other people work is a norm, since thanks to US supreme Court several rulings US intellectual property of any kind is unprotected.
Big $ has its day. You may not realize but it has already effect on your wallet.
More to come…